Aug 5, 12:22 PM
Only on a mac could I make something so difficult so easy. All audio and effects using my Mac.

Apr 5, 12:01 AM
I hate menu bar translucency, in case you're wondering.
I hate menu bar translucency, in case you're wondering.

Aug 11, 05:19 PM
Tweaked it alittle...
Oct 11, 11:28 AM
Well you talk about fairness, I don't think its fair that your studies are funded by the government and mine are not, even though I will be working directly for the government in the very near future. And, its not fair to me that you may very well benefit directly from my work in several ways. For example, say you come to America for a holiday, and you are mugged. It would be my job to help get the guy responsible for your mugging and to be able to put you back to your position before you were mugged, at no cost to you because you are not an American citizen and don't pay taxes. So, I feel toat you owe me money because that would be fair. I know i'm making money as an attorney, but so is Loren on the many, many other projects he has going on for him. Its only fair that we are both compensated justly for everything we do, right? Just like you would want to be compensated by me if I came to your country and needed medical help, it would be nothing out of my pocket, and that doesn't seem fair to you personally doing something without just compensation.
My point is, each of us has our own lives to support, because really when it comes down to it, no one else is giving us a free ride...well except for you and thats not really fair. Well then to educate you, in America, no one gets a free ride. We're all for ourselves here, and then we have to pay taxes up the ass for the people on welfare who mooch off of the welfare system without really doing anything. No ones gonna help me with my law school loans even though the work I am doing will benefit many, many people. I will get a small government salary (criminal prosecutors do not make a lot of money at all, thats why so many attorneys try to go to private practices and big law firms, to make that 6 or 7 figure income). Does that seem fair? No.
Loren is gonna be ok, whether he had charged for Tweetie 2 or not. He has many other things going on, many other products, and he gets paid for those lectures he does. The guys who created youtube didn't charge people to access the videos hosted on their site for free, or charge people each time they updated their servers and software, yet they are rolling in the dough. In America, we thrive on customer satisfaction. I personally do not feel Loren did enough with Tweetie 1 in satisfying his customers before going ahead and charging full price for an "update." And his excuse that Apple didn't provide an upgrade path is a cop out. I read his tweet on the decision; he did it because he "had the balls to do it." He should at least go back to Tweetie 1 and upgrade that as much as possible until he can't anymore. He stated that he wanted to do things to Tweetie that were impossible to do without rewriting the app from scratch. Thats fine, but you can't leave your old customers out in the cold like he did. People paid for Tweetie 1 without knowing that Loren would be pulling this stunt off. Thats not fair to them, they deserve to be satisfied, they paid a fair amount and got ditched, bamboozled, baited and switched. If he wants to justify charging again, then he needs to go back to Tweetie 1 and fix it up as much as possible to satisfy everyone. THAT would be fair. I really hope he sees this too. Its not unprecedented; Microsoft kept XP updated because people didn't want to move to Vista, same with Office 2003 to 2007. Upgrading to Tweetie 2 means you lose out on themes, which were important to many people. Theres no push on Tweetie 2, so those with Tweetie 1 aren't missing out on too much. I think now that Loren has double the income (they haven't taken Tweetie 1 off the app store), he now has sufficient funds to keep Tweetie 1 alive with newer features and updates, until he can't go any farther with the Tweetie 1 code. No free rides for Loren if there are no free rides for the consumer. It means less time doing the university talks and interviews, and more time working for his money.
Wow. Not to be an ass or anything, but it seems like you've spent at least $3.00 of your time composing this retort.;)
Honestly, I shelled out the cash for the same reason Manic did, so I'm not going to repeat what he said because I think it's pretty pitch-perfect. But I will add:
Should I get the next Radiohead album for free since I paid for "In Rainbows?" Should I get free admission to the next Batman movie because I paid to see the last one? They're all new works, with new money and time put into them, just like Tweetie 2, so we pay for them anew, regardless of how many other projects the creators have going on, how financially OK they are, or how good or bad the antecedent was. Oh, and there was a big old warning on the Tweetie 1 entry warning potential buyers that 2 was just around the corner. Don't know how long it was there, but it was there.
My point is, each of us has our own lives to support, because really when it comes down to it, no one else is giving us a free ride...well except for you and thats not really fair. Well then to educate you, in America, no one gets a free ride. We're all for ourselves here, and then we have to pay taxes up the ass for the people on welfare who mooch off of the welfare system without really doing anything. No ones gonna help me with my law school loans even though the work I am doing will benefit many, many people. I will get a small government salary (criminal prosecutors do not make a lot of money at all, thats why so many attorneys try to go to private practices and big law firms, to make that 6 or 7 figure income). Does that seem fair? No.
Loren is gonna be ok, whether he had charged for Tweetie 2 or not. He has many other things going on, many other products, and he gets paid for those lectures he does. The guys who created youtube didn't charge people to access the videos hosted on their site for free, or charge people each time they updated their servers and software, yet they are rolling in the dough. In America, we thrive on customer satisfaction. I personally do not feel Loren did enough with Tweetie 1 in satisfying his customers before going ahead and charging full price for an "update." And his excuse that Apple didn't provide an upgrade path is a cop out. I read his tweet on the decision; he did it because he "had the balls to do it." He should at least go back to Tweetie 1 and upgrade that as much as possible until he can't anymore. He stated that he wanted to do things to Tweetie that were impossible to do without rewriting the app from scratch. Thats fine, but you can't leave your old customers out in the cold like he did. People paid for Tweetie 1 without knowing that Loren would be pulling this stunt off. Thats not fair to them, they deserve to be satisfied, they paid a fair amount and got ditched, bamboozled, baited and switched. If he wants to justify charging again, then he needs to go back to Tweetie 1 and fix it up as much as possible to satisfy everyone. THAT would be fair. I really hope he sees this too. Its not unprecedented; Microsoft kept XP updated because people didn't want to move to Vista, same with Office 2003 to 2007. Upgrading to Tweetie 2 means you lose out on themes, which were important to many people. Theres no push on Tweetie 2, so those with Tweetie 1 aren't missing out on too much. I think now that Loren has double the income (they haven't taken Tweetie 1 off the app store), he now has sufficient funds to keep Tweetie 1 alive with newer features and updates, until he can't go any farther with the Tweetie 1 code. No free rides for Loren if there are no free rides for the consumer. It means less time doing the university talks and interviews, and more time working for his money.
Wow. Not to be an ass or anything, but it seems like you've spent at least $3.00 of your time composing this retort.;)
Honestly, I shelled out the cash for the same reason Manic did, so I'm not going to repeat what he said because I think it's pretty pitch-perfect. But I will add:
Should I get the next Radiohead album for free since I paid for "In Rainbows?" Should I get free admission to the next Batman movie because I paid to see the last one? They're all new works, with new money and time put into them, just like Tweetie 2, so we pay for them anew, regardless of how many other projects the creators have going on, how financially OK they are, or how good or bad the antecedent was. Oh, and there was a big old warning on the Tweetie 1 entry warning potential buyers that 2 was just around the corner. Don't know how long it was there, but it was there.

Sep 10, 08:54 AM
Question. How did you get your weather widget background to be transparent, but not the text (the symbols and temps)? When I adjust the transparency in Amnesty, the whole widget (not just the blue background) goes more transparent....
I am using a widget called 'Invisible Weather', and for the life of me i can't find where I got it from. A google search should be turning something up, but I'm not seeing it, hope that helps.
I am using a widget called 'Invisible Weather', and for the life of me i can't find where I got it from. A google search should be turning something up, but I'm not seeing it, hope that helps.

May 5, 10:42 AM
That doesn't make it right. Retribution, revenge, anger, fear etc are not good emotions. Try to overcome these basic desires.
I overheard someone on the bus say something like this-
"So Bin Laden committed an awful crime, no denying that. But in response the US imprisoned people without trial for years in Gitmo, tortured some of them for information, then shot Bin Laden when he was unarmed. They both seem pretty bad to me."
I can see where this view comes from. Many times I've heard Americans complain that Europeans "look down their noses at them" and "maybe they would understand when planes fly into some of their buildings". However, when the US response to a disaster is detention and torture what do you expect? The US has lost the moral high ground, and these human rights violations only serve to encourage more people to fight against the US.
It times of difficulty many governments bend the rules, and it is how the courts and the public respond that matters. In the UK we detained some people, but they started a court case and won. We had a report of MI6 feeding questions to Moroccan security forces to get them to get information out of someone. However, MI6 was tripping over itself to say they don't condone torture and the courts constantly ruled more information on the subject should be released.
Detention without trial and torture are the methods used by dictatorships and authoritarian regimes, and the world will always look down on the US government so long as they are used.
Guess the world will just have to look down on us then. The US actually has a pair of balls, and we do what we need to do, unlike Europe who's militaries are a joke. Shooting bin laden while he was unarmed?? Seriously?? Who gives a crap? That's like being against shooting hitler while he was unarmed. Of course your solution would be to put him in jail for the rest of his life, but that doesn't fly here. Again, we are not europe and never will be, thankfully. You guys could look your noses down at us, but don't forget who's going to be there protecting your asses when you get into a war with an arab country (and that is possible, remember they don't like you either, and you're an easier target than us). I'm sorry, but their needs to be at least one nation that does what we do, and i'm glad we do it.
Still too squeamish to call it torture? The fundamental difference between terrorist organizations and authoritarian regimes on the one hand, and the civilized world on the other, is the latter's unwillingness to have recourse to violence. Policies of torture are unbecoming of a nation of people who purport to uphold the US constitution, regardless of the extreme methods adopted by our enemies. Once we sink to their level, we lose all our moral superiority and become victims of our own hate and fear as much as victims of the machinations of our opponents.
Nope, not too squeamish just going by the thread title. It's torture, there you happy? Again, we are not europe. So europe doesn't torture and where has that gotten them? They still get attacked by terrorists, even sweden, go figure. Moral superiority or not, safety of our nation and other western nations is more important. If torture is needed to get that information and save thousands of lives, then we should do it. Someone has to do the dirty work, and it's always us. But that's ok, that's how it's always been and it's why we're such a proud nation.
I overheard someone on the bus say something like this-
"So Bin Laden committed an awful crime, no denying that. But in response the US imprisoned people without trial for years in Gitmo, tortured some of them for information, then shot Bin Laden when he was unarmed. They both seem pretty bad to me."
I can see where this view comes from. Many times I've heard Americans complain that Europeans "look down their noses at them" and "maybe they would understand when planes fly into some of their buildings". However, when the US response to a disaster is detention and torture what do you expect? The US has lost the moral high ground, and these human rights violations only serve to encourage more people to fight against the US.
It times of difficulty many governments bend the rules, and it is how the courts and the public respond that matters. In the UK we detained some people, but they started a court case and won. We had a report of MI6 feeding questions to Moroccan security forces to get them to get information out of someone. However, MI6 was tripping over itself to say they don't condone torture and the courts constantly ruled more information on the subject should be released.
Detention without trial and torture are the methods used by dictatorships and authoritarian regimes, and the world will always look down on the US government so long as they are used.
Guess the world will just have to look down on us then. The US actually has a pair of balls, and we do what we need to do, unlike Europe who's militaries are a joke. Shooting bin laden while he was unarmed?? Seriously?? Who gives a crap? That's like being against shooting hitler while he was unarmed. Of course your solution would be to put him in jail for the rest of his life, but that doesn't fly here. Again, we are not europe and never will be, thankfully. You guys could look your noses down at us, but don't forget who's going to be there protecting your asses when you get into a war with an arab country (and that is possible, remember they don't like you either, and you're an easier target than us). I'm sorry, but their needs to be at least one nation that does what we do, and i'm glad we do it.
Still too squeamish to call it torture? The fundamental difference between terrorist organizations and authoritarian regimes on the one hand, and the civilized world on the other, is the latter's unwillingness to have recourse to violence. Policies of torture are unbecoming of a nation of people who purport to uphold the US constitution, regardless of the extreme methods adopted by our enemies. Once we sink to their level, we lose all our moral superiority and become victims of our own hate and fear as much as victims of the machinations of our opponents.
Nope, not too squeamish just going by the thread title. It's torture, there you happy? Again, we are not europe. So europe doesn't torture and where has that gotten them? They still get attacked by terrorists, even sweden, go figure. Moral superiority or not, safety of our nation and other western nations is more important. If torture is needed to get that information and save thousands of lives, then we should do it. Someone has to do the dirty work, and it's always us. But that's ok, that's how it's always been and it's why we're such a proud nation.

Mar 17, 04:24 AM
link didn't work for me

Nov 20, 01:08 PM
artist rendition?
okay i'll stop
If Apple releases a phone in the next few months that has OS X on it, I will personally eat one and post it on YouTube. ;)
okay i'll stop
If Apple releases a phone in the next few months that has OS X on it, I will personally eat one and post it on YouTube. ;)
Apr 18, 06:23 AM
Break it!? More like make it.
I love life in the melting pot, it's the one thing I really miss about living in London, there's just a degree of culture clash that you don't get outside of the capital.
I'm in London now and enjoying the mix of people. Nothing wrong with immigration and other people, "culture" isn't something that must be rigidly protected.
I love life in the melting pot, it's the one thing I really miss about living in London, there's just a degree of culture clash that you don't get outside of the capital.
I'm in London now and enjoying the mix of people. Nothing wrong with immigration and other people, "culture" isn't something that must be rigidly protected.

Oct 12, 06:09 PM
I've always been a fan of the original Bioshock imagery

Jan 16, 10:38 PM
I was wondering if anyone else would like to see a full RSS feed from MacRumors. I currently use Google Reader to combine all my RSS news and I hate only getting a small portion of the MacRumors posts that do not include the images or the full article like the site does.
I was wondering if anyone else would like to see a full RSS feed from MacRumors. I currently use Google Reader to combine all my RSS news and I hate only getting a small portion of the MacRumors posts that do not include the images or the full article like the site does.

Mar 27, 07:07 PM
I asked him for his address so I can drop by his house to have a look at the iPhone. Lets see if he gets back to me!! .. LOL ....
Come on ... lets start the bidding war!!!! :D
Come on ... lets start the bidding war!!!! :D

Nov 2, 04:43 PM
apple says no, and i can confirm this on my new 2nd gen shuffle. there is a slight gap.
Yep... Confirmed here too. But for the size, design and price of this little unit I just can't find anything to complain about. ...The laser engraving could have been a bit bigger, but hey I can read it just fine - just my name and phone number in case I lose it at the gym.
Yep... Confirmed here too. But for the size, design and price of this little unit I just can't find anything to complain about. ...The laser engraving could have been a bit bigger, but hey I can read it just fine - just my name and phone number in case I lose it at the gym.

Apr 20, 03:11 PM
iOS World Frustration Index suddenly dropped to bottom. Numbers finally start to matter again. Once they add Macs, Mac Pros, Mac Minis, refurb resales etc. to the list (when they run iOS) - it will be time to declare victory :D

Feb 1, 10:22 AM
February already, Here's mine........For now
Source of Original (
Icon set? :rolleyes:
Source of Original (
Icon set? :rolleyes:

Feb 10, 08:31 AM
As my previous noted, call ATT to make the change until they fix the website process...go to your online account and you'll see the + delineation beside A-List Nation 700 as my attachment shows as of today.

Oct 27, 07:29 AM
looks interesting, not sure if i'd use it though
looks interesting, not sure if i'd use it though
Ice Dragon
Sep 18, 11:06 PM
A friend of mine brought up that early in her youth, she played a game for Mac on a floppy disk called Jenny's Journeys. Has anyone else heard of this? Do you know where to buy/download it?
Jul 9, 09:16 PM
Any extra one.
$700 shipped
can local pickup
accept MO,transfer and check.
note235 is heatware
$700 shipped
can local pickup
accept MO,transfer and check.
note235 is heatware
Oct 17, 04:03 PM
Dec 14, 11:03 PM
Just a quick one I threw together.
Apr 17, 12:18 PM is the top one.
The one on my MBA I can't seem to find in my history sorry, however originally all I did was Google "mac wallpapers" and I found it within a few minutes
no worries fella, thanks for the link. I've actually found it with red pants so have stuck that on.
Will have a nose for the cart one though.
The one on my MBA I can't seem to find in my history sorry, however originally all I did was Google "mac wallpapers" and I found it within a few minutes
no worries fella, thanks for the link. I've actually found it with red pants so have stuck that on.
Will have a nose for the cart one though.
May 5, 01:11 PM
So, what do you call, and how do we handle the individual(s)who planned, and helped to plan the death of 3,000 + individuals on 9/11, the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole, the Bali nightclub bombings, and who knows how many more acts of terrorism?
Can you honestly sit there and tell me that when we have in custody a high profile leader such as K.S.M. who has intricate, first hand knowledge of a terrorist organization that we should not do all that we can to obtain as much information from this person as possible? I suppose your thinking (and those of many others here) is that he should have been given a trial by jury, sent to prison, and that we had no right to try and obtain information from him?
This is a false choice. We can interrogate someone, but we cannot torture them.
Think The Closer rather than 24.
To quote someone else in this thread "show me proof", in terms of actual statements given under duress and the results of that information. Until you or I see that we are both really just hand-waving.
As for the guy in the video, he's really the only one out there that I have seen that is so vocal about the ineffectiveness of E.I. I suspect that he is either someone that:
a) Is just out to make a quick buck off his book;
b) Has a grudge;
c) Has remorse about things that he has done and is trying to make amends.
So, you're going to dismiss the arguments of Matthew Alexander, but readily accept those of people who could be prosecuted for ordering acts of torture? I'd think that John Yoo, for example, would be much less trustworthy than Alexander in these cases.
BTW, if you guys haven't read Marc Thiessen's Courting Disaster, pick it up. He explains that waterboarding was not used to get answers to questions or confessions, but rather to break their will and spirit and get them to agree to start cooperating.
Theissen's attempt to draw this distinction is just a distortion of logic. A person who has been tortured and knows that a moment's hesitation will lead to more torture is physiologically and psychologically different than they were before
Torture changes ( the brain and damages memory and 'executive' faculties.
Can you honestly sit there and tell me that when we have in custody a high profile leader such as K.S.M. who has intricate, first hand knowledge of a terrorist organization that we should not do all that we can to obtain as much information from this person as possible? I suppose your thinking (and those of many others here) is that he should have been given a trial by jury, sent to prison, and that we had no right to try and obtain information from him?
This is a false choice. We can interrogate someone, but we cannot torture them.
Think The Closer rather than 24.
To quote someone else in this thread "show me proof", in terms of actual statements given under duress and the results of that information. Until you or I see that we are both really just hand-waving.
As for the guy in the video, he's really the only one out there that I have seen that is so vocal about the ineffectiveness of E.I. I suspect that he is either someone that:
a) Is just out to make a quick buck off his book;
b) Has a grudge;
c) Has remorse about things that he has done and is trying to make amends.
So, you're going to dismiss the arguments of Matthew Alexander, but readily accept those of people who could be prosecuted for ordering acts of torture? I'd think that John Yoo, for example, would be much less trustworthy than Alexander in these cases.
BTW, if you guys haven't read Marc Thiessen's Courting Disaster, pick it up. He explains that waterboarding was not used to get answers to questions or confessions, but rather to break their will and spirit and get them to agree to start cooperating.
Theissen's attempt to draw this distinction is just a distortion of logic. A person who has been tortured and knows that a moment's hesitation will lead to more torture is physiologically and psychologically different than they were before
Torture changes ( the brain and damages memory and 'executive' faculties.
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